BFG Wealth Management

Wealth Management Stack

balanced. fiduciary. genuine.

Financial consulting and growth tailored to you

Wealth Management Stack

Welcome to BFG Wealth, your choice in true fiduciary wealth management

Unlike other forms of financial advisors, as a fiduciary and registered investment advisor, BFG Wealth is required by law to place our clients’ interests above all other considerations – including our own interest.

The BFG Investment Strategy

BFG’s investment approach is founded on rigorous, evidentially supported strategies. This means constantly finding ways to:

Lower Costs | BFG Wealth Financial Services

Lower Costs

Reduce Risks | BFG Wealth Financial Services

Reduce Risks

Increase Tax Efficiency | BFG Wealth Financial Services

Increase Tax Efficiency

Wealth Management Stack

Take the first step
in confidently
managing your

We focus on adding value through a disciplined process by allocating between the following:


BFG Wealth Services

When you entrust your wealth to BFG, you can rest assured you will be provided with every service and expertise you might require, including:

Burnett Financial Group Services
Wealth Management Stack


Burnett Financial Group Services
Wealth Management Stack

Retirement Planning

Burnett Financial Group Services
Wealth Management Stack

Estate Planning

Burnett Financial Group Services
Wealth Management Stack

Business Planning

Burnett Financial Group Services
Wealth Management Stack

Risk Management

Access to Private Markets

Private markets are now available to you through BFG Wealth via managers with an established track record of navigating private markets.

Your Team

BFG Wealth’s mission to provide clients with national caliber wealth management service, delivered by local, seasoned financial professionals who know each client well enough to precisely tailor our services to their needs.

Join Our Team

Visit our careers page to learn about becoming part of the BFG Wealth team.

Get in Touch

We would love to hear from you.

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